23 research outputs found

    Analysis of reported error in Monte Carlo rendered images

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    Evaluating image quality in Monte Carlo rendered images is an important aspect of the rendering process as we often need to determine the relative quality between images computed using different algorithms and with varying amounts of computation. The use of a gold-standard, reference image, or ground truth (GT) is a common method to provide a baseline with which to compare experimental results. We show that if not chosen carefully the reference image can skew results leading to significant misreporting of error. We present an analysis of error in Monte Carlo rendered images and discuss practices to avoid or be aware of when designing an experiment

    Learning-Based Video Motion Magnification

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    © 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Video motion magnification techniques allow us to see small motions previously invisible to the naked eyes, such as those of vibrating airplane wings, or swaying buildings under the influence of the wind. Because the motion is small, the magnification results are prone to noise or excessive blurring. The state of the art relies on hand-designed filters to extract representations that may not be optimal. In this paper, we seek to learn the filters directly from examples using deep convolutional neural networks. To make training tractable, we carefully design a synthetic dataset that captures small motion well, and use two-frame input for training. We show that the learned filters achieve high-quality results on real videos, with less ringing artifacts and better noise characteristics than previous methods. While our model is not trained with temporal filters, we found that the temporal filters can be used with our extracted representations up to a moderate magnification, enabling a frequency-based motion selection. Finally, we analyze the learned filters and show that they behave similarly to the derivative filters used in previous works. Our code, trained model, and datasets will be available online